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sociologist, author, teacher
Reviews and other press
Religious News Service​
"The danger of finding our meaning at work"
by Kathryn Post
Bob on Books​
"Review: Work Pray Code"
by Bob Trube
The Christian Century​
"Take and Read: Ethics. Four new books that are shaping conversations about ethics"
by Jonathan Tran
The Arts Fuse​
"Book Review: “Work Pray Code” — Managing and Deploying Spirituality in Silicon Valley"
by Anna Gibson
Psychology Today
"Mindfulness in Silicon Valley: Is work becoming religion?"
by Ravi Chandra M.D.
Christianity Today​
"The Gods of 'Techtopia' Giveth and They Taketh Away"
by Dorcas Cheng-Tozen
Religious News Service
"Religious diversity: Corporate obstacle? Or asset?"
by Kathryn Post
New York Post
"How Silicon Valley Taught America to treat work as religion"
by Susannah Cahalan
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